Twitter’s Quality Adjusted Bid

April 28, 2016 / Philippa Crick Twitter's Quality Adjusted Bid

We all know that Google Adwords has a ‘Quality Score’ system which rewards advertisers who create engaging ads with much lower cost per click and more prominent ad placement. Now Twitter has with a similar algorithm to reward the most engaging ads and penalise low-performing ads. Twitter recently confirmed this in their Help Section.

Twitter uses its ads quality score to determine how your ads are displayed, and how much you pay if people engage with them.
A quality score is generally comprised of three broad elements, the three R’s:

Resonance: are consumers engaging with your Tweet? Do they retweet, like, or reply often?

Relevance: is your Tweet related to things a user is interested in?

Recency: is your Tweet fresh? Twitter is a real-time platform about what is happening now, so fresher tweets get higher priority.

Twitter doesn’t currently show this metric so you won’t know your score. It is known that by increasing the quality score on your Twitter ads actually earns you a huge click discount. On average, when you gain one point in the engagement rates on your ads, you will see a 5% decrease in cost per engagement.

How do you ensure a good quality score?

Tweet new material regularly
The number of impressions per day declines over time. And, as time goes on, Twitter is less likely to show older tweets. With an important message create different variations of the ad to be able to tweet something new.

Promote tweets that are already performing well
When you pay to promote high-engagement tweets, it will often give your organic performance a boost.

Relevance is key to engagement
The best way to kill your engagement and quality score is to blast out tweets to a very large audience. Use Twitter’s ad targeting options to restrict your audience to those that really count.